WHat is my crime? UK Daughters of Light production

Women are at the forefront of the Iranian resistance. Their numerous presence in all uprising movements dating 20 June onwards and amongst female student activists has been the complained of by Iranian officials in numerous interviews and news articles.
Iranian mullahs’ misogynist minds have always underestimated the role women play in the political events that would lead to a fundamental change in Iran. Equality and Gender apartheid is far beyond clerical mindset and for this reason their potential and central enemies are the Iranian women who lead the uprising. These women have also in their combat for FREEDOM been able to display a role model in forms of leadership of political movements such as the PMOI in Camp Ashraf. Unfortunately in the recent attack ordered by the Iranian supreme leadership onto this residential camp in Iraq, the 1000 women leaders of the camp have been beaten, wounded and threatened to be sexually raped if they refused to be returned to Iran, where they would be persecuted. Amnesty International has so far issued 3 actions to safeguard the “protected status” named after them by the MNF-I after they, along with another 2400 agreed to give up their only means of protections in the dangerous deserts of Iraq only in return for a promised” Treaty” signed with the US commanders which guaranteed their safety until they were on Iraqi soil. The US how ever were only bystanders in the recent savage attack on the camp and whilst 11 were killed and the rest attacked by axes, sickle and nailed batons , run over by US made Humvees and lashed and beaten by pro –Iranian forces, they only filmed the scenes and did not intervene to protect the residents. Today it is the 33rd day of the women’s Hunger Strike. Many have been fail and weak and taken urgently to the clinic in the camp but refused to break their hunger strike. They have decided to stand against this injustice and deliberate silence that has caused 11 dead and would lead to more Humanitarian Catastrophe, since the camp is still under siege by the same forces that attacked them and 36 of their friends who are wounded have been abducted. These women have extended their hands out to YOU and ME for help: sign our petition on:


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